Draft lists of NDIS supports - submission

This submission gives advice to the Department of Social Services (DSS) consultation on a draft list of NDIS supports. The list defines what is and what is not an NDIS support.

The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) do not agree that a list of what is and is not an NDIS support should be in the law. The IAC want to have principles that decide what could be an NDIS support, depending on what is right to meet the participant’s needs.

Principles could say that an NDIS participant can spend their funding on support that:

• Promotes independence, control, and choice.

• Provides authentic social and economic participation.

• Is value for money.

• Is not illegal or harmful (for example cigarettes, alcohol, gambling).

The IAC think that good communication for NDIS participants, and training of staff will be what supports good practice in use of funding.

The IAC think the way the consultation by DSS has been done is not fair. DSS should follow the accessibility guidance on engagement on the National Disability Gateway.

Any next steps should be co-designed where possible.

Our recommendations

How consultation has happened

1. Make more time for consultation is needed.

2. Make sure all the papers are accessible and given to everyone in remote areas.

3. Tell people why this change is needed.

4. Tell people why there is no co-design happening.

5. Do better at coordination of the many consultations by DSS so more time is given to people to respond.

6. Tell people the next steps and if it will be co-designed.

Using lists for NDIS Supports

7. Think about other ways to talk about NDIS Supports and how people should use their funding.

8. Explain why a list is being used.

9. Make flexibility and innovation core principles of decisions about funding.

10. Make sure people with disability are getting support to understand how to use their funding.

Problems with the lists

11. Include paying rent for a live in support person and people in hostels.

12. Shift products that can help personal safety to be in the NDIS Support list.

13. Change the disability related heath supports list be flexible for support in hospital.

14. Make exceptions where there is value for money to do things differently.

15. Include personal hygiene and grooming services as NDIS Supports for those who needs them.

16. The NDIA should make a policy on what is a therapy support and evidence.

17. The lists need to not disadvantage people with diverse backgrounds.

18. Make a guide showing where people can get support not covered by NDIS.

19. Make a policy for any exception process that is easy to follow and fair.

Read our submission here