Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Response Inquiry submission

This submission was made to the Commonwealth Government COVID-19 response inquiry.

The Independent Advisory Council (IAC) wrote this paper. When we say ‘we’ we mean the IAC.

What we said

  • The Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with Disability (Royal Commission) talked to people about COVID-19 and gave advice on support and getting vaccines.

  • We agree with what the Royal Commission said about how people with disability should get help during COVID-19.

  • NDIS participants should be a priority group. There should be ways to contact and support them.

  • The disability workforce is essential. It should be a priority for them to have the right equipment to protect them and people they support when there is COVID-19.

  • There is still COVID-19 in the community. People with disability need support. They feel worried.

  • In a crisis, agencies need to be able to focus on what they can do to help the community.

  • The NDIA should know about how to help people with disability. They should use the Local Area Coordination network to support people.

  • Good ways of doing things in a state needed to be shared in the national meetings.

  • The health system needs to understand people with disability. There should be plans that include supporting people with disabilities in a crisis.

  • Children and families need to co-design information that is for them about COVID-19.

  • Information needs to be accessible for people who use different languages including support workers.

  • Local groups did lots of work to support people in COVID-19. They should be funded to help people and share information in a crisis.

  • Support for decision making should increase when there is a crisis.

  • Having flexible NDIS plans needs to continue. Funding should be able to be used to respond to crisis situations.

  • Doing things remotely like work and talking to doctors by phone should continue.

  • The impact of COVID-19 on people with disability long-term should be checked.

Read our submission here